This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.
CS2113/T 2020 Jan-Apr
  • Full Timeline
  • Week 1 [from Mon Jan 13]
  • Week 2 [from Wed Jan 15 noon]
  • Week 3 [from Wed Jan 22 noon]
  • Week 4 [from Wed Jan 29 noon]
  • Week 5 [from Wed Feb 5 noon]
  • Week 6 [from Wed Feb 12 noon]
  • Week 7 [from Wed Feb 19 noon]
  • Week 8 [from Wed Mar 4 noon]
  • Week 9 [from Wed Mar 11 noon]
  • Week 10 [from Wed Mar 18 noon]
  • Week 11 [from Wed Mar 25 noon]
  • Week 12 [from Wed Apr 1 noon]
  • Week 13 [from Wed Apr 8 noon]
  • Textbook
  • Admin Info
  • Report Bugs
  • Forum
  • Instructors
  • Announcements
  • File Submissions
  • Tutorial Schedule
  • link
  • Java Coding Standard
  • Forum Activities Dashboard
  • Participation Dashboard

  •  Individual Project (iP):
  • Individual Project Info
  • Duke Upstream Repo
  • iP Code Dashboard
  • iP Progress Dashboard

  •  Team Project (tP):
  • Team Project Info
  • Team List
  • tP Code Dashboard
  • tP Progress Dashboard
  • Participation Dashboard

    • Details about participation marks calculations are here.
    • The important column of the table below is the Weeks participated column. It tells you how many weeks you have met the bar for the criterion A. Your target is to hit 10 weeks.
    • Meaning of colors/icons:
      • : you can click on this icon to find more info
      • N : you reached the participation bar for week N
      • N : you did not reach the participation bar for week N
    • If you have queries about the participation marks, please email
    Student number (partial)Student i.e., repl exercises, post-lecture quizzesWeeks participated i.e., in-lecture quizzes/activities (used for bonus participation marks)Lectures participated
    A0148048_ 123456789101112138 123454
    A0154601_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0156202_ 1234567891011121313 123452
    A0166966_ 1234567891011121312 123453
    A0167031_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0167107_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0169610_ 1234567891011121313 123453
    A0172032_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0177907_ 1234567891011121312 123453
    A0180295_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0182341_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0182520_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0182581_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0182619_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0182637_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0182648_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0182761_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0182776_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0183020_ 1234567891011121311 123455
    A0183086_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0183318_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0183366_ 123456789101112139 123454
    A0183398_ 1234567891011121312 123453
    A0183909_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0183924_ 1234567891011121312 123453
    A0183972_ 1234567891011121313 123453
    A0183979_ 1234567891011121313 123453
    A0184030_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0184281_ 1234567891011121312 123454
    A0184296_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0184534_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0185030_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0185080_ 1234567891011121313 123453
    A0185406_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0185430_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0185434_ 1234567891011121312 123454
    A0185627_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0185662_ 1234567891011121310 123455
    A0185683_ 1234567891011121313 123453
    A0185707_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0185775_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0185894_ 1234567891011121311 123455
    A0185955_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0187253_ 1234567891011121312 123453
    A0187915_ 1234567891011121312 123454
    A0188591_ 1234567891011121311 123454
    A0188625_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0188758_ 1234567891011121311 123453
    A0188871_ 1234567891011121311 123453
    A0188991_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0189629_ 1234567891011121310 123454
    A0189944_ 1234567891011121311 123454
    A0190016_ 1234567891011121313 123453
    A0190306_ 123456789101112139 123452
    A0191091_ 123456789101112139 123453
    A0192255_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0192257_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0207464_ 1234567891011121313 123453
    A0212641_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0212651_ 1234567891011121312 123454
    A0212716_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0212737_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0212755_ 1234567891011121313 123455
    A0212780_ 1234567891011121310 123454
    A0212805_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0212895_ 1234567891011121310 123454
    A0213638_ 1234567891011121311 123453
    A0213708_ 1234567891011121311 123454
    A0213855_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0213909_ 1234567891011121311 123452
    A0214405_ 1234567891011121313 123454
    A0214435_ 1234567891011121313 123451
    A0214700_ 1234567891011121311 123453
    A0214952_ 1234567891011121313 123454

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 77% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 36% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 0/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 11: 0/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 12: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 13: 0/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 93% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 45% (1/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 73% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 69% (2/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 47% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (0/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 7/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 73% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 70% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 0/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (0/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 70% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 93% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 0/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 90% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 2/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 73% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 72% (2/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 0/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 0/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 93% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 1/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 93% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 84% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 96% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 1/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 93% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (0/3 points)
    Week 3: 4/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 2/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 67% (2/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 60% (2/3 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 5: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 6: 5/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 93% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 5/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 76% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 77% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 72% (2/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 2/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 2/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 0/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 2: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 3: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 45% (1/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 1/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 42% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 1/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 47% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 0/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (0/3 points)
    Week 3: 4/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (0/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 76% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 0/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 76% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 3/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 96% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 5/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 76% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 93% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 0/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (0/3 points)
    Week 3: 4/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 42% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 70% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 62% (2/3 points)
    Week 13: 0/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 76% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 1/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 5: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 78% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 96% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (0/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 2/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 70% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 71% (2/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 4/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 1/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 93% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 72% (2/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 2/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 7/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 73% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 75% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 80% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 5: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 96% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 2/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 44% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 0/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (0/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 2/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 9% (0/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 0/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (0/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 2/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 3/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 12: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 47% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 50% (2/3 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 5: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 44% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 4/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (0/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 5/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 68% (2/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 76% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 1/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 38% (1/3 points)
    Week 9: 2/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 71% (2/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 0/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 4/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (0/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 61% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 47% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 60% (2/3 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 5: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 77% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 67% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 2/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 74% (2/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 93% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 4/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 76% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 47% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 0/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    Week 2: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 5/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 2/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 0/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 12: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 1/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 0/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 2: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 3: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 64% (2/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 0/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    Week 2: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 83% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 5/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 71% (2/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 0/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 2/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 76% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 0/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 4/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (0/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 93% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 73% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 81% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 64% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 0/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 11: 0/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 12: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 1/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 3/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 73% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 75% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 1/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 47% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 10: 0/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 11: 2/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 64% (2/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 3/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 70% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 47% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 0/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (1/1 points)
    Week 4: 1/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 3: 0/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 92% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 93% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 6/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 1/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (0/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 95% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 6/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 82% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 73% (2/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 1/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 28% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 2/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 57% (2/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: not done (0/3 points)
    Week 12: 2/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 62% (2/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 0/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    Week 2: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 4/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (0/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 85% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 89% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 2/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 2/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 4/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (1/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 95% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 47% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 79% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 0/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (0/3 points)
    Week 3: 0/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (0/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 0/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (0/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 1/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 30% (1/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 8/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 7: 0/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 0% (0/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 3/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 44% (1/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 86% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 0/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (0/3 points)
    Week 3: 4/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (2/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 2/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (0/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)

    Weekly Participation (repl exercises, post-lecture quizzes)

    Week 1: 2/2 points
    • Submit pre-module survey: done (2/2 points)
    Week 2: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 5: 3/3 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 100% (3/3 points)
    Week 6: 5/8 points
    • Repl exercises: percentage of correct solutions: 50% (2/3 points)
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    • Submit practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: not done (0/2 points)
    Week 7: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 91% (3/3 points)
    Week 8: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 88% (3/3 points)
    Week 9: 5/5 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    • Submit midterm peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)
    Week 10: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 94% (3/3 points)
    • Submit tutorial activity: done (3/3 points)
    Week 11: 6/6 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 96% (3/3 points)
    • Gave at least 4 comments to DGs of other teams: done (3/3 points)
    Week 12: 3/3 points
    • Post Lecture Quiz(zes): percentage of correct answers: 97% (3/3 points)
    Week 13: 2/2 points
    • Submit final peer evaluation on TEAMMATES: done (2/2 points)

    Lecture Participation (in-lecture quizzes/activities)

    Week 1: 3/3 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    Week 2: 3/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (0/3 points)
    • Forked the lender repo: (3/3 points)
    Week 3: 5/6 points
    • In-lecture quiz: (3/3 points)
    • Forked the contacts repo: (1/1 points)
    • Created a PR: (1/1 points)
    • Added comments to a PR: (0/1 points)
    Week 4: 3/3 points
    • Forked the circus repo: (1/1 points)
    • Pushed the in-lecture branch to the fork: (1/1 points)
    • Merged at least one branch to master (and pushed to fork): (1/1 points)
    Week 5: 0/4 points
    • Forked the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least 3 branches in the shop-inventory repo: (0/1 points)
    • Created PRs in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)
    • Merged at least one PR in the shop-inventory fork: (0/1 points)