This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.
CS2113/T 2020 Jan-Apr
  • Full Timeline
  • Week 1 [from Mon Jan 13]
  • Week 2 [from Wed Jan 15 noon]
  • Week 3 [from Wed Jan 22 noon]
  • Week 4 [from Wed Jan 29 noon]
  • Week 5 [from Wed Feb 5 noon]
  • Week 6 [from Wed Feb 12 noon]
  • Week 7 [from Wed Feb 19 noon]
  • Week 8 [from Wed Mar 4 noon]
  • Week 9 [from Wed Mar 11 noon]
  • Week 10 [from Wed Mar 18 noon]
  • Week 11 [from Wed Mar 25 noon]
  • Week 12 [from Wed Apr 1 noon]
  • Week 13 [from Wed Apr 8 noon]
  • Textbook
  • Admin Info
  • Report Bugs
  • Forum
  • Instructors
  • Announcements
  • File Submissions
  • Tutorial Schedule
  • link
  • Java Coding Standard
  • Forum Activities Dashboard
  • Participation Dashboard

  •  Individual Project (iP):
  • Individual Project Info
  • Duke Upstream Repo
  • iP Code Dashboard
  • iP Progress Dashboard

  •  Team Project (tP):
  • Team Project Info
  • Team List
  • tP Code Dashboard
  • tP Progress Dashboard
  • tP Progress Dashboard #beta

    • Details about tP grading are here.
    • Note that the progress shown here is just a rough guidance as it was generated by an automated script. A human inspection will be done after the final submission to confirm the script's findings.
    • Meaning of colors/icons:
      • : you can click on this icon to find more info
      • ABC : you have done the corresponding item.
      • ABC : you have done the corresponding item which is an optional item (well done!).
      • ABC : you have not done the corresponding item yet.
      • ABC : item due soon, not done yet.
      • ABC : optional item due soon, not done yet.
    • If you have queries about the data shown in this page, please email

    [This page was last updated on Apr 12 2020]

    Team IDTeam The current CI status as generated by GitHub actionsCI Status i.e., tP tasks to be done by the whole teamTasks
    CS2113T-M16-1 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113T-M16-2 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdmilestones createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113T-T12-1 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113T-T12-2 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113T-T12-3 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113T-T12-4 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113T-T13-1 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113T-T13-2 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113T-T13-3 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113-T14-1 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113-T14-2 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113-T14-3 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113-T14-4 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdmilestones createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113-T15-1 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113-T15-2 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113-T15-3 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released
    CS2113-T15-4 ForkedIssues EnabledDocs PublishedPR Createdv1.0 releasedv1.0 jar worksassertions enabledv2.0 releasedv2.1 released

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    milestones created 9 Created at least 3 GitHub milestones with due dates set Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    milestones created 9 Created at least 3 GitHub milestones with due dates set Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes

    tP Team Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked project template to the team org Yes
    Issues Enabled 7 Issue tracker enabled in the team repo Yes
    Docs Published 7 docs have been published via GitHub pages e.g. Yes
    PR Created 7 Created a PR from team fork to upstream repo Yes
    v1.0 released 9 Released v1.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 04 2020 to Mar 25 2020 Yes
    v1.0 jar works 9 v1.0 jar file on GitHub has some functionality Yes
    assertions enabled 10 Assertions enabled in the team repo (in build.gradle) Yes
    v2.0 released 11 Released v2.0 jar file on GitHub in period Mar 25 2020 to Apr 02 2020 Yes
    v2.1 released 13 Released v2.1 jar file on GitHub in period Apr 08 2020 to Apr 16 2020 Yes
    Student number (partial)Student i.e., weeks in which some code was committed to the repoWeekly progress i.e., other tP-related individual tasksIndividual tasks
    A0148048_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0154601_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0156202_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0166966_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0167031_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0167107_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed AssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0169610_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0172032_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0177907_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0180295_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0182341_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0182520_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0182581_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0182619_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0182637_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0182648_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0182761_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0182776_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0183020_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0183086_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0183318_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0183366_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0183398_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0183909_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0183924_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0183972_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0183979_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0184030_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0184281_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0184296_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0184534_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed AssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185030_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185080_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185406_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185430_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185434_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185627_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185662_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185683_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185707_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185775_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185894_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0185955_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0187253_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0187915_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0188591_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0188625_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0188758_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0188871_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0188991_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0189629_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0189944_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0190016_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0190306_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0191091_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0192255_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed AssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0192257_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0207464_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0212641_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0212651_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0212716_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0212737_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0212755_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0212780_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0212805_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0212895_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed AssertionsDG DraftSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0213638_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0213708_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0213855_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0213909_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0214405_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0214435_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0214700_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft
    A0214952_ 78910111213 ForkedUsed JUnitUsed Forking WorkflowUsed AssertionsUsed LoggingDG DraftUsed IssuesSmoke-tested CATcherUG DraftPPP Draft

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 39 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 47 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code No
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 0 lines added) No
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 7 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher No
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 0 lines added) No
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 18 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 45 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 46 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 2 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 121 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 16 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 95 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 125 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 38 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 16 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 4) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 157 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 25 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 82 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 44 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 41 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 30 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 65 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 6 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 5) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 61 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 16 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 251 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 107 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 70 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 25 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 44 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 36 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 98 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 3 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 5) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 379 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 38 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 92 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 49 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 36 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 41 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 84 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 407 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 174 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 81 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 43 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 34 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 68 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 3 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 4) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 192 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 46 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 204 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 25 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 33 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 8 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 38) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 15) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 80 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 25 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 133 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 29 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 47 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 2 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 7 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 115 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 56 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 34 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 2 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 3) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 42 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 6 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 76 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 34 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 32 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 35 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 15) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 19) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 207 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 41 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 155 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 280 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 31 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 70 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 28 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 57 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 35 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 4) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 74 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 33 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 62 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 74 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 38 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 51 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 133 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 38 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 34 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 44 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 11) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 681 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 8 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 384 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 59 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 37 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 130 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 40 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 6) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 187 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 29 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 14 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 19 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 38 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 25 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 34 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 9 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 64 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 65 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 27 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 35 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 23 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 30 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 5) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 523 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 11 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 12 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 51 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 32 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 46 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 18 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 11) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 149 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 9 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 167 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 61 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 28 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 6) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 40 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 9 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 5 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 27 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 28 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 21 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 3) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 3) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 141 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 32 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 38 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 152 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 31 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 34 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 14 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 20) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 233 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 21 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 109 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 145 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 48 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 2) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 144 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 60 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 1044 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 76 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 49 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 3 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 3 lines added) No
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 22 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 40 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 74 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 47 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 28 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 68 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 47 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 93 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 40 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 7) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 25) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 494 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 23 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 371 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 361 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 23 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 43 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 57 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 50 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 97 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 7 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 11) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 703 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 11 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 1200 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 93 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 25 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code No
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 15 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 36 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 17 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 24 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 18 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 25 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 36 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 29 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 208 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 19 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 14 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 65 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 18 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 54 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 59 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 50 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 45 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 6) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 82 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 35 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 29 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 86 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 20 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 31 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 75 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 59 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 35 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 43 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 7) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 10) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 433 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 30 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 184 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 83 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 27 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 93 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 70 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 25 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 118 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 41 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 5) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 194 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 14 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 263 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 331 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 18 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 57 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 49 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 66 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 77 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 71 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 15) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 34) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 310 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 104 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 613 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 243 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 19 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 28 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 12) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 195 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 67 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 273 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 36 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 28 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 57 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 17 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 51 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 12 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 74 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 19 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 44 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 105 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 14 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 163 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 17 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 195 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 6 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 62 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 31 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 69 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 2 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 3) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 5) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 479 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 17 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 55 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 80 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 46 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 27 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 69 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 37 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 110 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 72 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 77 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 5) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 6) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 415 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 89 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 115 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 431 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 79 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 60 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 31 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 32 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 19) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 142 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 15 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 3 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 92 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 23 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 54 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 35 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 78 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 15 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 5) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 8) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 373 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 31 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 85 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 75 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 49 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 72 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 11 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 3) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 61 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 14 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 55 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 23 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 25 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 28 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 30 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 23 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 4) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 66 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 37 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 33 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 136 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 20 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 57 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 43 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 35 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 7) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 10) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 189 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 22 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 80 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 12 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 23 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 48 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 46 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 37 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 4) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 3) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 303 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 16 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 56 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 12 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 33 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 25 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 44 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 5 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 6) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 78 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 6 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 54 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 136 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 27 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 30 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 78 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 20 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 49 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 17 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 111 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 56 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 23 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 20 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 28 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 41 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 30 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 239 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 21 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 173 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 111 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 18 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 32 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 17 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 16 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 35 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 93 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 81 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 24 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 18 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 24 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 24 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 113 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 14 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 44 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 55 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 20 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 51 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 25 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 33 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 19 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 6) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 99 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 15 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 116 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 122 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 19 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 86 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 8 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 62 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 10 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 147 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 32 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 16 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 95 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 116 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 53 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 29 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 44 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 81 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 27 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 18) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 7) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 147 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 72 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 426 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 80 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 43 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 29 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 39 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 22 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 3) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 13) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 202 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 27 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 77 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 307 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 48 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 8 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 5 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 0 lines added) No
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 18 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 25 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 30 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 61 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 6 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 2) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 388 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 168 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 251 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code No
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 2 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 9) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 0 lines added) No
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 0 lines added) No
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 38 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 4 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 4 lines added) No
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 7 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 34 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 100 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 30 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 53 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 7) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 391 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 51 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 227 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 20 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 28 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 66 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 26 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 2) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 136 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 13 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 2 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 35 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 27 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 18 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 19 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 4 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 10) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 85 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 19 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 14 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 138 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 23 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 29 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 18 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 16 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 6) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 33) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 38 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 21 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 21 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 2 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 20 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 30 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 8 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 72 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 26 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 0 lines added) No
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 15 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 194 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 16 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 22 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 14 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 40 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 25 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 38 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 56 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 21 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 1) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 6) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 22 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 104 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 57 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 3 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 0 lines added) No
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 7 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher No
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 0 lines added) No
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 30 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 62 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 21 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 58 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 33 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 29) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 4) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 106 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 18 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 58 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 44 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 23 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 32 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 45 lines added) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 50 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code No
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 4 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 1 lines added) No
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 6 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 0 lines added) No
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 2 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 19 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 24 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 16 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 5 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 3) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 41 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 21 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 307 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 95 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 15 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 6 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 23 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 74 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 25 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 3) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 197 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 27 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 9 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 40 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 20 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 26 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 10 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 329 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 8 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 142 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 80 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 4 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 13 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 35 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 45 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 14 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 32 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 80 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 32 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 32) Yes
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 59) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 128 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 46 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 219 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 195 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 5 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 17 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 12 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 9 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 12 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 3) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 119 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 18 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 30 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 33 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 1 commit to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 11 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Contributed 19 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 41 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 18 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 5) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 9 lines added) Yes
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 17 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 46 lines added) Yes
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 171 lines added) Yes

    tP Weekly Progress

    • Week 7 Feb 26 2020 - Mar 04 2020: Contributed 3 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 8 Mar 04 2020 - Mar 11 2020: Contributed 19 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 9 Mar 11 2020 - Mar 18 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 10 Mar 18 2020 - Mar 25 2020: Contributed 7 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 11 Mar 25 2020 - Apr 01 2020: Contributed 10 commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 12 Apr 01 2020 - Apr 08 2020: Did not contribute any commits to the master branch of the team repo
    • Week 13 Apr 08 2020 - Apr 15 2020: Contributed 22 commits to the master branch of the team repo

    tP Admin Tasks

    activity week description status
    Forked 7 Forked team repo to own GitHub account Yes
    Used JUnit 8 Contributed to JUnit code Yes
    Used Forking Workflow 9 Used the forking workflow for multiple PRs (found: 11 PR from branches, merged) Yes
    Used Assertions 9 Used asserts in the code (found: 0) No
    Used Logging 9 Used logging in the code (found: 22) Yes
    DG Draft 10 Added at least 5 lines to the DG in week 10 (found: 0 lines added) No
    Used Issues 10 Used GitHub Issues to schedule/track project tasks (found: assignee of 17 closed issues) Yes
    Smoke-tested CATcher 10 Smoke-tested CATcher, created some dummy issues using CATcher Yes
    UG Draft 11 Added some content to the UG in week 11 (found: 0 lines added) No
    PPP Draft 12 Added at least 5 lines to the PPP (docs/team/ in week 12 (found: 0 lines added) No