This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.
CS2113/T 2020 Jan-Apr
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  • Week 1 [from Mon Jan 13]
  • Week 2 [from Wed Jan 15 noon]
  • Week 3 [from Wed Jan 22 noon]
  • Week 4 [from Wed Jan 29 noon]
  • Week 5 [from Wed Feb 5 noon]
  • Week 6 [from Wed Feb 12 noon]
  • Week 7 [from Wed Feb 19 noon]
  • Week 8 [from Wed Mar 4 noon]
  • Week 9 [from Wed Mar 11 noon]
  • Week 10 [from Wed Mar 18 noon]
  • Week 11 [from Wed Mar 25 noon]
  • Week 12 [from Wed Apr 1 noon]
  • Week 13 [from Wed Apr 8 noon]
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  • Integration


    Can explain integration

    Combining parts of a software product to form a whole is called integration. It is also one of the most troublesome tasks and it rarely goes smoothly.

    Build Automation

    Can explain build automation tools

    Build automation tools automate the steps of the build process, usually by means of build scripts.

    In a non-trivial project, building a product from source code can be a complex multi-step process. For example, it can include steps such as to pull code from the revision control system, compile, link, run automated tests, automatically update release documents (e.g. build number), package into a distributable, push to repo, deploy to a server, delete temporary files created during building/testing, email developers of the new build, and so on. Furthermore, this build process can be done ‘on demand’, it can be scheduled (e.g. every day at midnight) or it can be triggered by various events (e.g. triggered by a code push to the revision control system).

    Some of these build steps such as to compile, link and package are already automated in most modern IDEs. For example, several steps happen automatically when the ‘build’ button of the IDE is clicked. Some IDEs even allow customization to this build process to some extent.

    However, most big projects use specialized build tools to automate complex build processes.

    Some popular build tools relevant to Java developers: Gradle, Maven, Apache Ant, GNU Make

    Some other build tools : Grunt (JavaScript), Rake (Ruby)

    Some build tools also serve as dependency management tools. Modern software projects often depend on third party libraries that evolve constantly. That means developers need to download the correct version of the required libraries and update them regularly. Therefore, dependency management is an important part of build automation. Dependency Management tools can automate that aspect of a project.

    Maven and Gradle, in addition to managing the build process, can play the role of dependency management tools too.

    Gradle_is used used for,

    • a. better revision control
    • b. build automation
    • c. UML diagramming
    • d. project collaboration


    Can explain continuous integration and continuous deployment

    An extreme application of build automation is called continuous integration (CI) in which integration, building, and testing happens automatically after each code change.

    A natural extension of CI is Continuous Deployment (CD) where the changes are not only integrated continuously, but also deployed to end-users at the same time.

    Some examples of CI/CD tools: Travis, Jenkins, Appveyor, CircleCI, GitHub Actions