This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.
CS2113/T 2020 Jan-Apr
  • Full Timeline
  • Week 1 [from Mon Jan 13]
  • Week 2 [from Wed Jan 15 noon]
  • Week 3 [from Wed Jan 22 noon]
  • Week 4 [from Wed Jan 29 noon]
  • Week 5 [from Wed Feb 5 noon]
  • Week 6 [from Wed Feb 12 noon]
  • Week 7 [from Wed Feb 19 noon]
  • Week 8 [from Wed Mar 4 noon]
  • Week 9 [from Wed Mar 11 noon]
  • Week 10 [from Wed Mar 18 noon]
  • Week 11 [from Wed Mar 25 noon]
  • Week 12 [from Wed Apr 1 noon]
  • Week 13 [from Wed Apr 8 noon]
  • Textbook
  • Admin Info
  • Report Bugs
  • Forum
  • Instructors
  • Announcements
  • File Submissions
  • Tutorial Schedule
  • link
  • Java Coding Standard
  • Forum Activities Dashboard
  • Participation Dashboard

  •  Individual Project (iP):
  • Individual Project Info
  • Duke Upstream Repo
  • iP Code Dashboard
  • iP Progress Dashboard

  •  Team Project (tP):
  • Team Project Info
  • Team List
  • tP Code Dashboard
  • tP Progress Dashboard
  • Week 5 [from Wed Feb 5 noon] - Tutorial

    1 Choose tP user stories for v1.0

    • Show your list of tP user stories to the tutor (for progress tracking).
    • Choose user stories for v1.0 as explained below.

    The goal of this activity is to come up with the smallest possible product that is still usable so that it can be implemented as v1.0. We try to make it small because you will have only two weeks to implement v1.0 and coding as a team is a lot harder than writing code alone.

    • If the product can be of some use without a given user story, that user story should be left out of v1.0, even if the omission makes the product hard to use, as long as the product is not impossible to use e.g., in most cases a product can be used without an 'edit item' feature because the user can always delete an item and add a new item instead of editing an existing an item.
    • Don't worry about v2.0. You can design v2.0 after v1.0 done.
    • Don't worry about v1.0 being 'too small'. You can always add more features to v1.0 if you finish it ahead of schedule.
    • If possible, narrow the scope of v1.0 further e.g., narrower target user, a smaller value proposition

    Suggested workflow:

    • First stage [10 minutes]:
      • Divide the user stories among team members.
      • Each member will go through their user stories to discard (e.g., cross out, or move to a different location, but not delete) which are definitely not needed for v1.0.
    • Second stage [10 minutes]:
      • All members discuss the remaining user stories (i.e., the ones not discarded in the first stage), and try to trim the list further.

    2 time permitting Create a feature list for v1.0

    • If there is time left, do the following tP task that is scheduled for the following week.
    • Based on your user story selected previously, conceptualize the product in terms of how it will look like at v1.0. Suggestion: this can be in the form of a feature list.

    Requirements → Specifying Requirements → Feature Lists →


    Feature list: A list of features of a product grouped according to some criteria such as aspect, priority, order of delivery, etc.

    A sample feature list from a simple Minesweeper game (only a brief description has been provided to save space):

    1. Basic play – Single player play.
    2. Difficulty levels
      • Medium-levels
      • Advanced levels
    3. Versus play – Two players can play against each other.
    4. Timer – Additional fixed time restriction on the player.
    5. ...